I hope everyone had as good of a week as I did! My most recent trip was to Defiance, OH. It is a small farm town in the northwest corner of Ohio. I was told that by my personal assistant (my sweet little mother) that we would be flying into Ft. Wayne, IN and driving over to Ohio. Hoowweeverr, once we flew into Cincinnati, I looked at the television screens and saw that there were not any flights to Ft. Wayne. I panicked for about 5 seconds until she started dragging me away and had a funny look on her face. Turns out, she surprised me by flying us to Indianapolis! Many of you probably do not know this but I tried all summer long to get up to Indiana to see friends but my plans kept changing and I never made it up there...until now!
We landed in Indy and we drove to meet my really good friend Milena for lunch. I directed my driver (my sweet little mother) in the wrong direction so that took away time from hanging out with Mel. We finally made it and had a super fast lunch with her before she had to leave and get ready to move the next morning to her new home of Athens, GA where she is now a Bulldog!
Mel and I after lunch in Carmel, IN
We drove on to Defiance and quickly realized that we should have stayed in Indianapolis. There was absolutely nothing to do! We saw Julie & Julia one night. Get this...two movie tickets, two popcorns, and a large drink = $14. That was about the only good thing in this town. That's okay though because we were here for the golf!
It was a two day tournament and I must say, I really enjoyed myself. I played with some neat people and played well. I ended up getting 4th so it was a worthwhile trip up north. Once again, I don't know what the pay check is going to be because I left without finding out. It's kind of a nice surprise when I get it in the mail. In my last round, I was paired with Katy who I played with in my first professional tournament at the beginning of this summer. She's an Aussie and absolutely hilarious! We have basically played in every tournament together this summer. Australians have a decorative language and I must admit that four letter words tend to make me laugh so as you can see, we laughed a lot:
What I'm reading: The Art of Racing in the Rain
What I'm hearing: Eric Hutchinson "Sounds Like This"